Do you have an Image strategy?

3 Apr

Pinterest,, and even Facebook have shown us that your IMAGE matters. There’s a pun here. In advertising, we’ve always said this. Campaigns have always been judged on how they look. Brands have always done better if they contribute positively to a consumer’s image. Brands = Image. So it’s no surprise really that marketing online now requires you to consider an image strategy.

“Readers process more information more quickly from images than from text, and thus images drive more audience engagement than text content.” AdAge 

The article asks three questions when developing an image strategy:

1. Audience engagement. How can images increase engagement among my existing audience?

2. Audience acquisition. How can I convert that engagement into sharing?

3. Revenue. How does the strategy help me make more money?

If you’re in marketing, are you managing brands on Pinterest or How does your brand’s image online fit into your overall strategy?

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